Community-Led Libraries Toolkit!

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Community-Led Libraries Toolkit, which shares the experiences and lessons learned by the Working Together Project over the past four years. Print copies of the Toolkit were mailed to Canadian public libraries and library schools in early April 2008. The Toolkit is also available in English and French at this website. For English, click here . For French, click here .

For more information about the Toolkit or the Project, please contact Diana Guinn at 604-331-4009 or

10:42 25 March 2008


Welcome to the Working Together website. This is a space to share
what we’ve learned from the community about social exclusion and
public libraries and librarianship during the Working Together project.
Please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact information we provide.

Sandra Singh
National Project Director

Annette DeFaveri
National Project Coordinator

16:27 5 January 2007